Ca65 comparison

From llvm-mos

This page contains a "Rosetta Stone" for learning llvm-mos's GNU Assembler syntax by highlighting the differences from ca65. It's also possible to use ca65 directly.

; ca65
.segment "PRG_ROM_1"
; llvm-mos
.section .prg_rom_1
; ca65
.global _score
_score: .res 5 ; we added a '_' so the variable can be used as 'score' on C code
; llvm-mos
.global score
score: .fill 5 ; 'score' is usable on C code, no need for a '_' prefix here
; ca65

bne :+   ; add '+'s to jump to the next ':'s, or use '-'s to jump to previous ':'s
inc counter

; llvm-mos

bne 1f   ; 'f' means the next label '1' forward from here, 'b' would look backwards instead
         ; can use other numbers for different local labels
inc counter